Learning Web Technologies With Sri – Introduction

Learning Web Technologies With Sri – Introduction

Hi Folks,

I have been quiet thinking to blog/podcast on something new from past few months. As I browse the web I see tons of information on every single topic you pick. The best site being always Wikipedia, where you could find topics of almost all the things you want to know. Then I thought, why not bring out existing things with fresh look so that the students [in Schools & Colleges], who are just starting to open their minds & trying to understand the world of technology, can benefit out of it. Hoping that students & other folks[starters] will be benefiting out this series for best, I will be starting this series of “Learning Web Technologies With Sri”. I will be dividing this series into multipart so that I can even have Video podcast’s hosted in iTunes, Blog and other places, so that you need not always go through this feed or blog sitting in-front of computer or your web enabled devices, you can subscribe, download these podcast’s watch or listen to them on go.

I believe 20th century kids are lucky to have so many tools & technology in access to know, understand & feed their thirst for knowledge. Thanks to those scientists, firms who did give so much to this world to make it so knowledgeable.

In this series I will try to cover almost all technologies available in web world with brief introduction to them, features, basic of the technology or language & if possible even pick some advanced topics too. So stay tuned!!. Hope you will enjoy it.

Note: The series of “Learning Web Technologies with Sri” article or post is governed by following disclaimer policy. All references used will be duly mentioned at the end of the post or article, if I forget, credits would be given in Credits page of the blog.

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