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Author: Dr. Srinivas

Welcome to “Gnana Surabhi Granthalaya”

Welcome to “Gnana Surabhi Granthalaya”

Books have the power to transform, transport us to different worlds and times, and help us gaze through an era of history or people’s minds in those times. There is a powerful bond between a book and its reader. A book can transport its readers to a time and place where they become a part of history. A book can be a window to another world. A book can be a guide for life. A book can change your life….

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NFL – Super Bowl’s [Updated till 57]

NFL – Super Bowl’s [Updated till 57]

Note: The following disclaimer policy governs this post or article. Superbowl Facts [Till Number 57] The below is the table of NFL Super Bowl Winners. Feel free to sort yourself to see the results in a specific order!! 😉 Here are some more facts about the Super Bowl: Teams that have never played in Super Bowl Cleveland Browns Houston Texans Jacksonville Jaguars Detriot Lions Teams that have never won a Super Bowl [Apart from the above 4] Buffalo Bills Cincinnati Bengals…

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Cool Tools for Mac OSX : Part 1 – Finder Add On(s)

Cool Tools for Mac OSX : Part 1 – Finder Add On(s)

Note: This post or article are governed by following disclaimer policy. It’s been a long time that I have written any articles. I was so busy at work, couldn’t make some time or find any topic to write something about. After so long thinking, thought that why not help people on the internet by telling them some of the coolest tools [Free/Paid] which I use in my day-to-day work and on personal machines which makes my life easy. Sorry Microsoft Fans,…

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Part 04. Learning Web Technologies With Sri – HTML, CSS, Javascript – Getting Started

Part 04. Learning Web Technologies With Sri – HTML, CSS, Javascript – Getting Started

Note: This post or article are governed by following disclaimer policy. This is the fourth edition of the series “Learning Web Technologies with Sri”. In First edition or part, we did learn about Networks & in Second edition or part, we did learn about Servers with differences between Application & Web Server. In the Third edition or part, we did learn about the word INTERNET, what is it, etc.. Now let us learn about a topic which makes Internet world beautiful….

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Working with AIR Native Extensions on the Mac

Working with AIR Native Extensions on the Mac

Note: This post or article are governed by following disclaimer policy. Prior to Adobe AIR 3, only Adobe could add core features to the runtime. Developers requiring new features could only wait. Now developers can extend the runtime themselves. This new capability allows developers to: Achieve deeper integration with target devices Incorporate legacy native code in their application Achieve maximum performance for critical code With that said, lot of articles are available on web which explains how to build AIR Native…

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Part 03. Learning Web Technologies With Sri – INTERNET

Part 03. Learning Web Technologies With Sri – INTERNET

Note: This post or article are governed by following disclaimer policy. This is the third edition of the series “Learning Web Technologies with Sri”. In First edition or part, we did learn about Networks & in Second edition or part, we did learn about Servers with differences between Application & Web Server. After understanding Networks & Servers, the next question that would arise is WHAT IS INTERNET then? what does it contain etc.. etc.. I will try to answer those question in…

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My Experience – NFL & Fantasy Football

My Experience – NFL & Fantasy Football

Note: This post or article are governed by following disclaimer policy. You could already guess from my name that I am basically from INDIA, where CRICKET is everything and Indian Premiere League[IPL] has boomed the way world looks at Cricket and India. To prove my point how important Cricket is for India, the advertisement media rights for Indian Cricket was sold at record 386 Million dollars for 5 years I believe [not sure about the number of years, previously it…

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Part 02. Learning Web Technologies With Sri – Servers [Applications Servers & Web Servers]

Part 02. Learning Web Technologies With Sri – Servers [Applications Servers & Web Servers]

Note: This post or article are governed by following disclaimer policy. In this second part of “Learning Web Technologies with Sri”, we will understand & learn about web servers, application servers. Rather than talking about Web Server & Application[App] Server differences, it’s better to know the definitions or the basics of each & then the knowledge of each would bring out the differences between them automatically!!. Lot of resources are available on web on similar topics. I have gone through…

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Part 01. Learning Web Technologies With Sri – Internet Basics

Part 01. Learning Web Technologies With Sri – Internet Basics

Note: This post or article are governed by following disclaimer policy. The first part of “Learning Web Technologies With Sri” will be on “Internet Basics”. I choose this topic to give brief idea about internet & history about it, so that you know what is Internet,  how & why it makes so powerful tool for making this communication between each computer or devices unique. So let’s get started.

Learning Web Technologies With Sri – Introduction

Learning Web Technologies With Sri – Introduction

Hi Folks, I have been quiet thinking to blog/podcast on something new from past few months. As I browse the web I see tons of information on every single topic you pick. The best site being always Wikipedia, where you could find topics of almost all the things you want to know. Then I thought, why not bring out existing things with fresh look so that the students [in Schools & Colleges], who are just starting to open their minds…

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